Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
# of watchers: 14
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Teufelsweib]: toiletet???0_o hihihihihihihihihihihi

[Beru-chan]: lol I once learned that sentence on the boat to England XD 

[Aliz]: you REALLY know what you just said?

[Iuna]: hahaha is it weird what she said?

[Beru-chan]: I knooooooow lol  Don't throw uum wat zijn flessekukre int Engels? ah well..Don't throw blabla's in the toilet...

[Teufelsweib]: buttlecorks.... why can't you trow corks in the toiletet?

[Iuna]: that''s fun ^^

[Beru-chan]: uum well..because toilets on boats are veeery small and annoying..:P trust me...I know  XD

[Iuna]: ok ^^ You have been a lot on boats??

[Beru-chan]: yess :D boats rule!! except the toilets.. ^^'  and boats are especially fun when it's stooooorming veeeery haaaaaard :D lol it's very funny to see all the waiters and waitresses walking stupid to avoid falling.. XD

[Iuna]: hahaha ;p that's funny, yeah! haha, Pretzel, do you walk like that on your boat when it is storming??

[Beru-chan]: hahah I luvv boats :P

[Teufelsweib]: I prefer to sit then or else I;ll get my arse wiped off the deck

[Iuna]: hahahahahaha and you don't like that?

[Teufelsweib]: not's a bit cold

[Beru-chan]: whahah and you'll probably get swallowed by the waves...:P or you'll get a saving tube thingie whatever thrown against your head in an attempt to save you :P

[Aliz]: are ok...but I usually hang out in the taxfree :P ppl have to force me out of there ^_^ that's a bit freaky...hehe

[Iuna]: hahaha do you annoy the ppl there, that they have to forse you out?

[Aliz]: my friends have to force me out...cuz I'm a shopoholic :P

[Beru-chan]: hahah ;)

[Teufelsweib]: but you don't have waves there, not that you need them though....

[Beru-chan]: lol

[Teufelsweib]: what about making waves in shoppinghalls.....

[Beru-chan]: yeah! :D and schools too~

[Teufelsweib]: cool... just like in the cakewalk!! up and down...

[Beru-chan]: lol

[Teufelsweib]: lol

[Beru-chan]: lol

[Teufelsweib]: lol

[Beru-chan]: lol

[Aliz]: there are waves...cuz the taxfree is on boats...

[Teufelsweib]: oooh.... storm waves?^^

[Aliz]: *thinks: oooo...taxfree*

[Teufelsweib]: taxfree... just like on the airport...plaaaanes....*drool*

[Iuna]: whieej ^^

[Beru-chan]: hahah ;)

[Aliz]: there are taxfree on the boat from Norway to Denmark...hehe :P and nobody can get me out of it...even if the waves are huge :P *my own, my precious*

[Teufelsweib]: myyy sjjj puh puhresjjiousjj

[Aliz]: ^_^ hehe

[Teufelsweib]: a bit huge isnt it, a whole taxfree boat as your precious

[Iuna]: yeah... you can't put that in your bag....

[Teufelsweib]: or hang it around your neck... or put in on your finger as a ring^^

[Teufelsweib]: ahoewel... why not a boatring.....

[Aliz]: it's not a whole's just like a big shop :D I don't want the restaurants and the smokers and the crew and the passengers :P hehe

[Teufelsweib]: why not the restaurants? if it could be free food...

[Iuna]: yeah! you can eat for freeeeeee ^^

[Beru-chan]: lol you can do that at home too.... ;)

[Iuna]: yeah.. but in the restaurant are more thingies that you haven't got at home!!!! ^^

[Beru-chan]: yeah that's true

[Iuna]: yeah!! really yummy ice-creame desert :)

[Teufelsweib]: yeah yeah yeah yeah, you say yeah to much, just look at the fiirst words in your conversation

[Teufelsweib]: yeah :P

[Aliz]: nop...I don't want the can have's always yukkie anyway...I only eat things that don't contain vegetables...

[Teufelsweib]: anti-vegetarien :P

[Aliz]: but I don't really eat meat

[Teufelsweib]: what do you eat then? only potatoes? boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew :p

[Aliz]: I don't like potatoes that :/

[Teufelsweib]: jeeeeeeeeez man, what the fuck, do you have anorexia then or something?

[Teufelsweib]: let me guess... you live on blood only

[Aliz]: I eat :P ketchup and allround-spice makes everything ok :P hehe...but it looks nasty,though...hehe

[Teufelsweib]: so you live on ketchup... you sound like my bro

[Aliz]: well...I eat pasta...and yeah,chicken :P and uh...toast ^_^ hehe...but I have eaten nasty things too...just to try it out :P

[Teufelsweib]: like.....? ever eaten hamster food? thats nasty!! such as cat food!! though dog food is good and fish food is delicious!!!!! heh heh, what a life do I have ^^

[Aliz]: uh...I have eaten guineapig/rabbit snacks, dog food and cat food...guineapig/rabbit snacks is YUMMIE :D

[Teufelsweib]: really? I'm going to try it then, you really should eat fisf food!!!

[Aliz]: I don't have fishes :P but I haven't tried to eat all kinds of guineapig/rabbit snacks..I only tried those who smelt like chocolate ^_^ hehe...

[Teufelsweib]: I'm afraid that thats called guineapig/rabbit poo :P

[Aliz]:'s white :P hehe...

[Teufelsweib]: then there is something badly wrong with the rodent thing ^^

[Aliz]:'s called "milk drops"'s almost like white chocolate :P

[Iuna]: helloooo

[Aliz]: hi

[Teufelsweib]: conversation interruption... I've learned a new word last. cool that your rabbit thing poops milk drops

[Iuna]: haha yammy ^^ milk drop poop ;p

[Teufelsweib]: jummy....

[Iuna]: do you have some that we can eat it??

[Teufelsweib]: jummmm....guineapig poo

[Iuna]: jippie!! maybe we can have some from [evil beavle]....

[Aliz]: *eats a bag of milk drops* it's not can't buy poo in a mall :P

[Teufelsweib]: who says that....*shifty eyes*

[evil beavle]: I don't think that you can eat guineapig poo.... it looks a lot like liqourich (drop)

[Beru-chan]: dropjesss!! yum!

[evil beavle]: tja... what can I say about that....

[Teufelsweib]: liqourich? where have you got that word from?

[evil beavle]: drop in english, is something with liqo and the rest I made up!!!

[Teufelsweib]: -urich?? yeah sure

[evil beavle]: yeah. something like that. you get it you won the jack pot joehoe

[Teufelsweib]: yay...

[evil beavle]: whatever

[Teufelsweib]: whatevah

[evil beavle]: loser, ow your so not sexy :P

[evil beavle]: you are

[evil beavle]: you are not so sexy

[Teufelsweib]: and you are soo....youish

[evil beavle]: ooooow...... you jolly ho youishcake

[Teufelsweib]: fuck you

[evil beavle]: yay u2

[Teufelsweib]: u2?

[Iuna]: you too ;p she is not very self thinking.. she is a na-aper ;p

[Aliz]: whatever :P

[Teufelsweib]: I was thinking of the band u2 bitch

[evil beavle]: yes, they always say that..

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[evil beavle]: that you was thinking of something else... you just didn't get it... did you?? hmm hmm tell us...

[Iuna]: :s

[evil beavle]: ok.. I didn't say that ok..

[evil beavle]: ok.. I didn't say that. OK??

[Iuna]: I don't get you... :S

[evil beavle]: that's ok, no one can understand me... so why would you be a exception

[Iuna]: whatever

[evil beavle]: yes thatis just what I mean

[Iuna]: whatever

[Iuna]: this is my united states of whatever!!!

[evil beavle]: yes here you go again... NO HUMAN BEING CAN UNDERSTAND ME... do you understand??

[Iuna]: nope..

[evil beavle]: kej... but you are no human being. because you come from mars or kalifamora orsomething

[Iuna]: Kalivamoera :p

[evil beavle]: yes that one. so u should understand me!! hmm hmm

[Iuna]: ok... but you are a lama so you aren't human too and so I can't understand you either...

[evil beavle]: ow... that's a good point I will think about that one.... *thinking*

[Iuna]: hahaha wooow you can think.....

[evil beavle]: yes but not with the part that I call Tamara

[Aliz]: thinking doesn' suit you :P *muahahaha*

[Teufelsweib]: what the fuck are you all talking about?

[evil beavle]: euh.. I don't know... about something stupid.. like usual


[Aliz]: that's not's MUAHAHAHA :P

[Iuna]: ok..

[Aliz]: ok...

[evil beavle]: ok....

[Iuna]: weirdd...

[evil beavle]: it cannot be weirder... you know that...

[Iuna]: yes....

[evil beavle]: what an interesting talk we have here

[Teufelsweib]: jep

[Iuna]: jups.

[Teufelsweib]: jupss

[evil beavle]: jupzeflupz

[Aliz]: interessssssssssssssssting :P

[evil beavle]: yezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*sleeping*

[Teufelsweib]: yeaaaaaaaaaaah!!

[Iuna]: vaagies

[Teufelsweib]: jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[Iuna]: whieeeeej ^^

[Teufelsweib]: bleh

[evil beavle]: whatever!!1 psssssht

[Iuna]: loop je leeg ofzow

[Teufelsweib]: spray?

[Iuna]: haha anti-tamara spray ;p

[Teufelsweib]: yay!! wil ik ook

[evil beavle]: eg nie anti- allus behalve tamara spray!!

[Aliz]: sneeeeeeeeeeeking :D

[Iuna]: hahaha dutch ;p

[Teufelsweib]: sorry

[evil beavle]: fuck everyone of you

[Teufelsweib]: youto

[Iuna]: says nothing... quiet :)

[Teufelsweib]: acting like she's good

[evil beavle]: ow you are so anti social

[evil beavle]: sorry I mean social

[Teufelsweib]: jep

[Iuna]: me?

[Aliz]: is that the best you can say? *laughs*

[Iuna]: grr

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[Iuna]: I don't know

[evil beavle]: I don't know either.. does somebody know wtf we are talking about?!?!?!

[Aliz]: X_x

[Iuna]: <img:>

[Aliz]: cool :P

[Iuna]: whieej ^^

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: how do you let the 0_o move?

[Iuna]: <*img:*> with no * ;p


[evil beavle]: ^_^

[Aliz]: <img:>

[Teufelsweib]: <img:> does it work?

[Teufelsweib]: yay! it works!

[evil beavle]: how does you do that.... is it working?? <img:>

[Iuna]: hahaha met ze alllluuhh!! everybody!!! muahahahaha <img:>

[Beru-chan]: whieeej! :D:D <img:>

[Iuna]: <img:>

[Teufelsweib]: <img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:><img:http://img.phot

[Teufelsweib]: whieiieieiie<img:>

[Iuna]: hahaha It drives you crazy :s <img:> <img:><img:><img:>

[Teufelsweib]: staring long at them

[Iuna]: is... making me crazy.....

[Teufelsweib]: nooooo, makes you smarter

[Iuna]: <img:>

[Aliz]: funny ^_^

[Iuna]: whieeeeeeeeeej ^^

[Aliz]: festlig :P

[Teufelsweib]: feel your brains groing at it sight...

[Aliz]: not really..

[evil beavle]: no... I think I feel them groing very small if I look at these stupid discussions

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